httpsstore also provide wordpress
Our expert are prepared for speed up wordpress, wordpress
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We install free ssl certificate for 90 days and charge $59 per
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For $200 per website
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Wordpress Small Task Changes

Our Services will help you uploading text, images and small task changes for $59

  • Contact Us for change you required
  • If changes are small than we will take $59. If list is long we will charge you extra
  • We will review your website and send you quotation
  • If everything is ok our expert will make changes needed
  • After that you can check your website as work is completed

About Services

List of changes need in your wordpress website

First of all we will need list of changes you required from you through email or contact us form. We will check all changes need to be done.If changes are few we will charge $59 if list is longer we will send you added amount in quotation. After your confirmation we will start your work.

Input or update changes in your wordpress website

We can changes small text, we can add images or create new pages and update existing text in your wordpress website. you can send your word document in email or use our contact us form. Our email is [email protected]

Upload or changes images in your wordpress website

We have experts who can upload your images or change your images any where in the slider or gallery or pages or post. you can send your images as an attachment in email. our email id is [email protected]

Design changes in your WordPress website

We have an expert who can change font, colours and makes small changes to your design layout with little bit of coding in your WordPress website.

New features to your wordpress website

If you want to change your picture gallery, newsletter plugin or Instagram feed your expert will help you out asap to add small features in your WordPress website.

Reviews of completion of WordPress website

Once website small task are completed. our experts will email you about task completed and you can check our completed work and review through email.

Why traders choose us

We will need cpanel, whm, ftp details of hosting server and worpress backend username and password for making small changes to wordpress wesite. our charge is $59